ThivanLabs TMS-3

A review of 211 Monoblock by Audio Freak

Review of 211 Monoblock by Audio Freak

A demo music video of Eros-9 Anniversary by a Spanish customer

Ultimate Audio – Lisbon – Hifi system test and review – Cube Audio Nenuphar driven by Thivan Labs 211 Gold

The Art of Sound vol. 1

A video was made by the Wroclaw Audio Gallery. As part of the series we invite musicians with whom we listen to their author music on high-quality equipment available at Gallery Audio. In the first episode we had the honor of hosting outstanding improvisers: Piotra Rachonia and Wojtka “Montera” Orszewski, leaders of Piotr Rachoń Quartet, who shared with us songs from his latest album “Amazonia”. The music was presented on interesting tube columns (GRANDHORN model) and a lamp amplifier of the Vietnamese manufacture Thivan Labs.

Anyone interested in listening to Thivan Labs devices at the Audio Gallery at Silesia 118 Rebel Street in Wrocław (Phone: 71 336 52 67).

Distributor in Spain introduces product ThivanLabs

Hi-Fi Low Cost? Francisco del Pozo sets up a 2000 euro audio set.

Thivan Labs listening room at WDHT 2019 exhibition in Germany

German expert introduces Thivan Labs Gold Swan 211 . Amplifier

The Spanish expert introduces the Eros 9 LoudSpeaker